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新冠确诊球员Rudy Gobert发文道歉:希望我能成为警示

today13 March 2020


被确诊新冠的NBA爵士队中锋Rudy Gobert今天通过IG公开道歉,表示自己不知道被感染了,希望自己的故事能成为警示,“让每个人都严肃对待它(新冠病毒)”。

当地时间3月12日,Rudy Gobert的新冠检测结果呈阳性,并成为NBA第一例新冠。今天,爵士的米切尔也被确诊,而且报道称爵士球员在私底下抱怨Rudy Gobert对新冠病毒满不在乎,对于联盟的防疫政策,Rudy Gobert也一直采取漠视的态度,就在几天前的赛前新闻发布会上,Rudy Gobert在接受完采访后还故意起身用手去触摸了面前的每一个麦克风。

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I want to thank everyone for the outpouring of concern and support over the last 24 hours. I have gone through so many emotions since learning of my diagnosis…mostly fear, anxiety, and embarrassment. The first and most important thing is I would like to publicly apologize to the people that I may have endangered. At the time, I had no idea I was even infected. I was careless and make no excuse. I hope my story serves as a warning and causes everyone to take this seriously. I will do whatever I can to support using my experience as way to educate others and prevent the spread of this virus . I am under great care and will fully recover. Thank you again for all your support. I encourage everyone to take all of the steps to stay safe and healthy. Love.

A post shared by Rudy Gobert (@rudygobert27) on

13日,Rudy Gobert通过IG写了一段长文并公开道歉:“自从被确诊之后,我的情绪经历了许多。最多的是恐惧,焦虑和羞愧。”Rudy Gobert写道,“首先也是最重要的一点,我希望向那些可能被我危及到的人公开道歉。当时,我都不知道自己被感染了。我太大意,没有任何借口。我希望我的故事能成为警示,并让每个人都严肃对待它。再次感谢。我鼓励每个人都能保持安全和健康。”

新闻来源: 新浪娱乐

Written by: Vicky 丽盈

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